Arch Linux LiNomad edition

LiNomad XfCE desktop screenshot.

Arch Linux LiNomad XFCE edition

Arch Linux is a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple. It targets users who want to learn how to build their own system rather than end users.

LiNomad® is a pre-configured Arch Linux edition featuring:

  • XFCE desktop, with fixed Adwaita theme, Ristretto image viewer, Parole media player, Mousepad text editor;
  • common features (see below).

Arch Linux LiNomad Hyprland edition

An experimental alternative based on the Hyprland tyling compositor (running under Wayland) is also available, featuring:

  • desktop:
    • Wofi application launcher and folder browsing;
    • preconfigured Waybar panel:
      • applications launcher buttons,
      • screen recording (region or fullscreen) using wf-recorder,
      • logout, lock, reboot, suspend and poweroff buttons;
    • screen capture using Grim, Slurp and Swappy;
    • Mako notification daemon;
    • swaylock screen locker;
  • applications:
  • common features (see below).

Common features

LiNomad is not an other distribution

The main objective of LiNomad is to offer scripts to automate the installation and configuration of an Arch Linux system.

Unlike EndeavourOS, Garuda Linux or Manjaro, once installed, LiNomad gives way to a plain Arch Linux distribution.

Get LiNomad Arch Linux

This system is distributed free of charge, but without any guarantee of any kind.

  1. Get the latest ISO.

  2. Flash it on an USB media - change /dev/sdx to your real USB device name - see dmesg output if unsure; beware of data loss (device will be wiped):

sudo umount /dev/sdx1
sudo dd if=arch-xfce-*.iso of=/dev/sdx   #or arch-hyprland-*.iso

You can also burn the ISO to a DVD.

  1. Boot the live system:
    • disable the secure-boot from UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) setup,
    • boot from the USB media or DVD drive (preferably in UEFI mode).

Advanced usage